18:30 Saturday, 20 January 2024

We want to set the mood of 2024 by getting together around a table full of food, drinks and lovely company. Therefore, we invite you to join us for a potluck dinner at Bilgisaray

At this potluck dinner each of us brings something to drink and eat to stimulate each other’s tastebuds and fill our stomaches. In order to accomodate everyone, we request all food is vegetarian. You can specify additional restriction/preferences in the form below


Bilgisaray, Oranienstrasse 45, Berlin offers space for about 40 people and has a fully equipped kitchen. Thus it is possible to warm food up there.

If you are interested in joining, please sign up using the form below. In case you know already what you want to bring you may indicate it in the form.


  • 18:00 Doors open.
  • 18:30 Setting the tables and, if necessary warming up food
  • 19:30 Dinner time
  • 23:30 Wrap up und clean


Bilgisaray, Oranienstrasse 45, Berlin


Bilgisaray is a smoke-free environment. Children are welcome. Unfortunately the venue is not wheelchair accessible.

Code of Conduct

All meetings and communications are covered under the Berlin Code of Conduct. The privacy and safety of our members is important to us. Sharing the identity of members and or taking/sharing photos are strictly forbidden unless express consent is given.

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